Council - Thursday 12 October 2023, 7:30pm - Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Webcasting
Thursday, 12th October 2023 at 7:30pm
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Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Pankit Shah
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Cllr Paul Zukowskyj
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Lynn Chesterman OBE
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Max Holloway
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Sandreni Bonfante
Cllr Pankit Shah
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Agenda item :
8 a) Local Plan
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Matthew Wilson
Cllr Pankit Shah
Matthew Wilson
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Jane Quinton
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Lynn Chesterman OBE
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr George Michaelides
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Bernard Sarson
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Fiona Thomson
Ms. Sheila Saunders
Cllr Fiona Thomson
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Julie Cragg
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Paul Zukowskyj
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Stephen Boulton
Cllr Russ Platt
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Jane Quinton
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Lynn Chesterman OBE
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Lucy Musk
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Sandreni Bonfante
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Fiona Thomson
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Jonathan Boulton
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Samuel Kasumu
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Craig Stanbury
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Max Holloway
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Duncan Jones
Cllr Fiona Thomson
Cllr Duncan Jones
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Alastair Hellyer
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Michal Siewniak
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Stan Tunstall
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Jane Quinton
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Alastair Hellyer
Cllr Pankit Shah
Chris Carter
Cllr Pankit Shah
Agenda item :
9 Constitution Review
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- Constitution Review report
- 5 Article 4 - The Full Council
- 9 Article 8 - Non Executive Committees
- 13. Article 12 - Officers
- 15. Article 14 - Finance, Contracts and Legal Matters
- 18a Responsibility for non-executive functions
- 18b Responsibility for executive functions
- 20c Chief Executive
- 20d Executive Director Place v2
- 20e Executive Director Finance and Transformation
- 20f Service Director Resident and Neighbourhoods
- 22 Section 1 - Council Procedure Rules
- 23 Section 2 - Rules of General Application to all Committees and Petitions
- 24 Section 3 - Access to Information Procedure Rules
- 25 Section 4 - Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules
- 27 Section 6 - Procedure Rules for Planning Meetings
- 32a Section 11 - Councillor Code of Conduct CC changes v2
- 34 Section 14 - Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014
Cllr Paul Zukowskyj
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Lynn Chesterman OBE
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Paul Zukowskyj
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Fiona Thomson
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Lynn Chesterman OBE
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Alastair Hellyer
Cllr James Lake
Cllr Alastair Hellyer
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Jane Quinton
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Rose Grewal
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Jane Quinton
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Paul Zukowskyj
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Sandreni Bonfante
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr James Lake
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Rose Grewal
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Fiona Thomson
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Stephen Boulton
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Lucy Musk
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Helena Goldwater
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Alastair Hellyer
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Flavia Wachuku
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Tim Rowse
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Tim Rowse
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Jonathan Boulton
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Alastair Hellyer
Cllr Pankit Shah
Cllr Alastair Hellyer
Cllr Pankit Shah
Webcast Finished
- Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan 2016 - 2036 (Low Res) Updated, opens in new tab
- Constitution Review report, opens in new tab
- 5 Article 4 - The Full Council, opens in new tab
- 9 Article 8 - Non Executive Committees, opens in new tab
- 13. Article 12 - Officers, opens in new tab
- 15. Article 14 - Finance, Contracts and Legal Matters, opens in new tab
- 18a Responsibility for non-executive functions, opens in new tab
- 18b Responsibility for executive functions, opens in new tab
- 20c Chief Executive, opens in new tab
- 20d Executive Director Place v2, opens in new tab
- 20e Executive Director Finance and Transformation, opens in new tab
- 20f Service Director Resident and Neighbourhoods, opens in new tab
- 22 Section 1 - Council Procedure Rules, opens in new tab
- 23 Section 2 - Rules of General Application to all Committees and Petitions, opens in new tab
- 24 Section 3 - Access to Information Procedure Rules, opens in new tab
- 25 Section 4 - Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules, opens in new tab
- 27 Section 6 - Procedure Rules for Planning Meetings, opens in new tab
- 30 Section 9 CONTRACT PROCEDURE RULES, opens in new tab
- 32a Section 11 - Councillor Code of Conduct CC changes v2, opens in new tab
- 34 Section 14 - Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, opens in new tab
- Motions, opens in new tab

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